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Showing posts with label Farm Bill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farm Bill. Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2016

Missouri Farmers Hemp Freedom Act

Missouri SB584HB1973 and HB2038 would legalize industrial hemp for commercial production, effectively nullifying the federal prohibition on the same. These bills have not received committee assignments at the present time.
PLEASE TAKE THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS to support these important bills.
1. Contact your State Senator. Strongly, but respectfully urge them to cosponsor and support SB584. A phone call has 10x the impact of an email, so make sure to take a few minutes to call.
2. Call your State Representative. Strongly, but respectfully urge them to cosponsor and support HB1973 and HB2038. A phone call has 10x the impact of an email, so make sure to take a few minutes to call.
3. Call Back – any NO or UNDECIDED – in 3-4 days. Make sure to follow-up. If they say YES, be sure to thank them and, if possible, announce their committed YES vote to email and social media contacts. If they say no, politely ask them why. Get the information from them and contact us.
4. Spread the Word. Share this information widely by facebook, twitter, email and other social networks.
5. Report Back. Tell us how your actions went. Click the button below and leave a comment
Industrial Hemp Field Image 17 foot tall Hemp Plants
MOhemp Energy wants to work with Missouri Farmers Grow Hemp

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Missouri looks to legalize industrial use of hemp

Missouri looks to legalize industrial use of hemp

Missouri Farmers Lets Grow Hemp-MOhemp Energy Seeds, Supplies, Farming Machines
Missouri Farmers Lets Grow Hemp

Prеfіlеd on Dес. 1 fоr іntrоduсtіоn during thе 2016 legislative session bу Sеn. Brіаn Munzlіngеr (R-Wіllіаmѕtоwn), Sеnаtе Bіll 584 (SB584) ѕеtѕ uр thе frаmеwоrk tо еffесtuаtе a соmmеrсіаl hеmр fаrmіng рrоgrаm іn the state. It rеаdѕ, in раrt:

Bulk Industrial Hemp Seeds Photo
Industrial Hemp Seeds-MOhemp Energy

  • Industrial hеmр ѕhаll bе аn аgrісulturаl рrоduсt that іѕ ѕubjесt to rеgulаtіоn bу thе department оf аgrісulturе, including compliance wіth аn industrial hеmр рlаnt mоnіtоrіng ѕуѕtеm
  • Anу grower and handler of industrial hemp ѕhаll obtain a license frоm thе dераrtmеnt. Grоwеrѕ аnd hаndlеrѕ еngаgеd іn thе рrоduсtіоn оf аgrісulturаl hеmр ѕееd shall аlѕо hаvе an аgrісulturаl hеmр ѕееd production реrmіt.
In оrdеr to operate an іnduѕtrіаl hеmр field lаwfullу under SB584, fаrmеrѕ wоuld be rеԛuіrеd tо hаvе thеіr сrорѕ іnѕресtеd by regulators tо insure thеу dо “nоt еxсееd three-tenths of оnе percent on a drу wеіght basis.” Fаrmеr wоuld also bе rеԛuіrеd tо рау “rеаѕоnаblе fееѕ as determined by thе dераrtmеnt [оf аgrісulturе] for thе purpose оf carrying out thе dutіеѕ оf the department.”
Sіnсе thе enactment оf thе unconstitutional fеdеrаl controlled-substances act in 1970, thе Drug Enfоrсеmеnt Agеnсу hаѕ еѕѕеntіаllу рrеvеntеd thе production оf hemp wіthіn thе Unіtеd Stаtеѕ. Whіlе thе аgеnсу сlаіmѕ thаt grоwіng іѕ not рrоhіbіtеd, іt аlѕо stipulates that grоwіng саn only be done with a DEA-іѕѕuеd lісеnѕе.
Eаrlу in 2014, Prеѕіdеnt Barack Obаmа signed a nеw fаrm bіll іntо lаw, which іnсludеd a рrоvіѕіоn allowing a hаndful оf states tо bеgіn limited rеѕеаrсh programs grоwіng hеmр. Thе “hemp аmеndmеnt”
…аllоwѕ Stаtе Agrісulturе Dераrtmеntѕ, соllеgеѕ and unіvеrѕіtіеѕ tо grow hеmр, dеfіnеd аѕ thе non-drug оіlѕееd аnd fіbеr vаrіеtіеѕ оf Cаnnаbіѕ, for асаdеmіс оr аgrісulturаl research рurроѕеѕ, but it applies only tо states whеrе industrial hemp farming is already lеgаl undеr state lаw.
In ѕhоrt, сurrеnt fеdеrаl lаw authorizes thе farming of hеmр – bу research іnѕtіtutіоnѕ оnlу, fоr rеѕеаrсh оnlу. Fаrmіng for соmmеrсіаl рurроѕеѕ by individuals аnd buѕіnеѕѕеѕ іѕ ѕtіll рrоhіbіtеd. Thе Mіѕѕоurі bіll rеjесtѕ thіѕ рrоhіbіtіоn and authorizes соmmеrсіаl fаrmіng and production аnуwау.
Bу rejecting any need for fеdеrаl аррrоvаl, SB584 would set thе ѕtаgе tо nullify thіѕ fеdеrаl ban in рrасtісе. Passage would jоіn Mіѕѕоurі with other states – іnсludіng Cоlоrаdо, Orеgоn, South Cаrоlіnа, Cоnnесtісut, Mаіnе, Nоrth Dаkоtа аnd Vеrmоnt – thаt have раѕѕеd ѕіmіlаr mеаѕurеѕ.
Fаrmеrѕ in SE Colorado ѕtаrtеd harvesting thе рlаnt іn 2013, аnd fаrmеrѕ іn Vermont bеgаn hаrvеѕtіng іn 2014, еffесtіvеlу nullіfуіng fеdеrаl rеѕtrісtіоnѕ оn ѕuсh agricultural асtіvіtіеѕ. On Feb. 2, thе Oregon hemp industry оffісіаllу opened for buѕіnеѕѕ and one wееk later, thе fіrѕt lісеnѕе went tо a ѕmаll nоn-рrоfіt group. Laws раѕѕеd last уеаr in Tеnnеѕѕее аnd Sоuth Cаrоlіnа, аnd thіѕ уеаr in Nоrth Dakota, Cоnnесtісut аnd Maine, all legalize hemp even thоugh the federal gоvеrnmеnt соnѕіdеrѕ this рlаnt іllеgаl.
“Whаt thіѕ gets down tо іѕ the роwеr оf the people,” ѕаіd Mike Mаhаrrеу of thе Tеnth Amеndmеnt Cеntеr. “Whеn еnоugh реорlе tеll the feds to роund ѕаnd, thеrе’ѕ nоt much D.C. саn dо tо соntіnuе their unconstitutional рrоhіbіtіоn on thіѕ рrоduсtіvе plant.”
According to a 2005 Cоngrеѕѕіоnаl Rеѕеаrсh Service rероrt, thе U.S. is thе оnlу dеvеlореd nation that hasn’t dеvеlореd an іnduѕtrіаl hеmр crop for есоnоmіс рurроѕеѕ.
Exреrtѕ ѕuggеѕt thаt the U.S. mаrkеt fоr hеmр іѕ аrоund $600 mіllіоn реr уеаr. They count аѕ mаnу аѕ 25,000 uѕеѕ for іnduѕtrіаl hemp, іnсludіng food, соѕmеtісѕ, plastics аnd bio-fuel. Thе U.S. іѕ currently the wоrld’ѕ #1 іmроrtеr of hеmр fiber for vаrіоuѕ products, wіth China аnd Canada асtіng аѕ the tор twо еxроrtеrѕ іn the world.
During Wоrld Wаr II, thе Unіtеd Stаtеѕ mіlіtаrу rеlіеd heavily on hеmр products, whісh rеѕultеd in thе fаmоuѕ саmраіgn аnd government-produced film, “Hеmр fоr Vісtоrу!”.
SB584 іѕ аn essential first ѕtер tоwаrd hеmр frееdоm іn thе ѕtаtе оf Mіѕѕоurі. It has уеt tо be аѕѕіgnеd tо a committee аt thе рrеѕеnt mоmеnt, аnd wіll be соnѕіdеrеd durіng the nеxt legislative уеаr.
 Missouri Industrial Hemp Farming News Ozark Central


Thursday, September 17, 2015

No Surprise Sen Blunt Does Not Support Hemp

At Least one-out-of-two Senators supports Hemp Farming in Missouri.  I just learned via an email- see below-I just received from Senator Roy Blunt.  This really is no surprise because I've noticed that the Missouri Senators always seem to split the vote on most of the stuff that comes to vote in the Senate.

Mr Blunts reply did spark something in my mind when he brought up the

Unfounded belief that Law Enforcement not being able to tell the difference between Hemp and Medical Cannabis.

This falls right inline with all Repukitans denial of things that would help America.  The total disregard that climate change is affecting the World is tops of my list of untruths and unfounded beliefs that are supported by the misinformation system straight from the Koch Brothers themselves.

Blunt Dirty Oil Campaign Donation Image
This also makes me realize that maybe my note to his office did not have enough current information from Law Enforcement, Scientist, State Governors, and even his own partner-in-crime in the US Senate Kentuckys Own Senator Mitch McConnel.  Who has been the driver behind Kentucky's legalization of Hemp Farming.  

So here is a copy of what my next communication will be to Roy Blunts office with data and links to-
Image result for ky sheriff hemp and pot Supporting evidence that Hemp is- easily Distinguishable from Medical Cannabis.
Image result for ky sheriff hemp and pot

 Supporting evidence that Hemp is easily Distinguishable from Medical Cannabis.

USA Politicians That Support Hemp Farming-

Mitch McConnell's Love Affair with Hemp - POLITICO www.politico.com/magazine/.../mitch-mcconnell-hemp-115671 Politico Mar 2, 2015 - Mitch McConnell's Love Affair with Hemp. How the Kentucky senator picked a fight with the DEA and became one of Washington's top drug ...

McConnell, Paul push legalizing hemp growth - POLITICO www.politico.com/.../mitch-mcconnell-rand-paul-hemp-114928 Politico Feb 5, 2015 - Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., left, and Sen. ... “People used to downplay the number of jobs industrial hemp might create ...

Rand Paul even ways in on the Issue of Hemp Legalization- Rand Paul's Position On Weed Legalization Is, Basically, You ...Bustle-Apr 7, 2015 Though Rand Paul says no to marijuana legalization, what he is interested in ... Paul has also pushed to legalize hemp, a less potent version of ...

Rand Paul Hemp - Huffington Post www.huffingtonpost.com/news/rand-paul-hemp/ The Huffington Post Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul Lead Hemp Legalization Fight. HuffingtonPost.com ... Rand Paul Dons 'Hemp Shirt,' Testifies In Favor Of Successful Hemp Effort.

Mr Thomas Duppong pointed out in 2009- "Industrial hemp: How the classification of industrial hemp as marijuana under the controlled substances act has caused the dream of growing industrial hemp in North Dakota to go up in smoke." NDL Rev. 85 (2009): 403.

Also pointed out in the University of Kentucky study by Valerie Vantrees- Industrial Hemp: Global Operations, Local Implications. Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky, 1998.

Even the USAs own Ag Department has studied how Industrial Hemp will help farmers and is easily to tell the difference between the two plants-Kraenzel, David G et al. "Industrial hemp as an alternative crop in North Dakota." Agricultural Economics Report 402 (1998).

In the following two pictures you can plainly see the difference in the plants

Medical Cannabis Plants Above

Industrial Hemp Plants Below

Voyles4 Because hemp is a member of thecannabis family, the Federal Government ... In fact, however, the two plants areeasily distinguishablemarijuana

Hemp is another word for cannabissativa or marijuana, but as used these days it ... University molecular biologist, said the two plants are easily

2013-05-16 - Kentucky Farmers Enjoy a Bittersweet Hemp Victory with the Passage of SB 50 ... In addition, hempfields are easily distinguishable from they also say- Farmers say hemp is easily distinguishable from marijuana

Here is Mr Blunts Reply to my original notification- I do like how he addresses me and keeps me in his email address book:

Dear Clean Energy not Oil, Coal, and Facked Gas Scott:
Thank you for contacting me regarding S. 134, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015.
As you know, S. 134 amends the Controlled Substances Act to remove industrial hemp from the definition of marijuana.  Previously, I have supported provisions in the Farm Bill and through appropriations that would permit State Departments of Agriculture to administer hemp pilot programs in states that have legalized industrial hemp.  
While I support a comprehensive agriculture policy including specialty crops, I have concerns that legalization of industrial hemp could have unintended consequences.  We must ensure that legalization of industrial hemp would not impede the ability of law enforcement agencies to enforce our drug laws effectively.   
Currently, S. 134 is pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Should this legislation come before the full Senate for consideration, I will carefully consider and be sure to keep your thoughts and concerns in mind. 
Again, thank you for contacting me. I look forward to continuing our conversation on Facebook and Twitter about the important issues facing Missouri and the country. I also encourage you to visit mywebsite to learn more about where I stand on the issues and sign-up for my e-newsletter.

Sincere regards,

Roy Blunt
United States Senator

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Looks Like Sen McCaskill Supports Hemp Farming

Dear Mr. Scott,
Thank you for contacting me regarding industrial hemp and hemp farming.  I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond.
With my support, Congress passed and the President signed into law the Agricultural Act of 2014 (P.L. 113-79) pdf.  Commonly referred to as the Farm Bill, this legislation sets policy and funding levels for agriculture and nutrition programs for the next five years.  
The Farm Bill provides critical support to Missouri farmers and ranchers, protects nutrition support for low-income families and other Missourians in need, promotes conservation, and encourages research on biofuels that advance our energy independence, all while helping to reduce spending by $23 billion over the next ten years.
Within this comprehensive legislation, the 2014 Farm Bill included an amendment allowing legalized hemp production in some instances.  Specifically, the amendment allows State Agriculture Departments, colleges, and universities to grow hemp, defined as the non-drug oilseed and fiber varieties of Cannabis, for academic or agricultural research purposes, although it applies only to states where industrial hemp farming is already legal under state law.
As you may know, Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon has also introduced the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015 (S. 134).  This bill would differentiate the definition of "hemp" from "marijuana" and would permit industrial hemp production based on state law.  I understand the many potential uses of hemp and will consider its benefits should legislation related to hemp farming be considered by the full Senate.
The Industrial Hemp Farming Act has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee where it awaits consideration Should this or similar legislation come to the Senate floor for a vote, I will be sure to keep your views in mind.
Again, thank you for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance to you on this or any other issue.
Claire McCaskill
United States Senator
P.S. If you would like more information about resources that can help Missourians, or what I am doing in the Senate on your behalf, please sign up for my email newsletter athttp://mccaskill.senate.gov.

Hemp Farming in Missouri Supported bySen McCaskill
Looks Like Missouri Sen McCaskill Supports Hemp Farming

Monday, August 3, 2015

Startup Lesson: Industry Players vs Non Industry People

One thing I've learned when talking to Hemp and Agriculture People vs those outside the business is: People in Agriculture understand Agriculture terms used in my startup pitch deck.

Here's a simple example:  I mentioned a drill the other day to a non ag person.  "He asked how big of a hole?"  When I mention a drill to an Ag person; they understand I'm talking about a seeder or planter that "puts the seeds into the ground".  The one simple word has very different meanings.

I also learned that it takes me more time to explain farming techniques and less time is spent on talking about my inventions or MOhemp Energy:
  • such as crop rotation, 
  • planting or harvesting are times often determined by weather conditions, 
  • the difference between a combine or a harvester...
The greatest thing about pitching to Agriculture Industry Players is that they want to see Farmers succeed.  They understand that Farming is the most important industry in the World.  Farmers create the most treasured resource: Food.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Biomass update in 2014 Farm Bill Highlights

Farm Safety Net

• Eliminates direct payments and continues crop insurance.

• Producers will choose between the Price Loss Coverage and Agricultural Risk Coverage. Establishes the Dairy Margin Protection program.

• Restores livestock disaster assistance for losses dating back to 2011, and establishes a permanent livestock disaster program.

Rural Development

• Continues USDA Rural Development programs. Provides $15 million to support rural business development and growth through the Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program.

• Provides $150 million for water and wastewater infrastructure.

• Reserves 10% of certain programs for regional, long-term investments to better promote economic development through regional planning and leveraging of resources. Trade and Foreign Agriculture

• Continues authorization for $200 million annually for international market development.

• Authorizes up to $80 million for LRP and makes the program permanent.

• Provides more flexibility for USAID to use cash assistance in administering the Food for Peace program.

• Increases flexibility for assistance in emergency situations. Research

• Endows $200 million for a foundation for agricultural research.

• Doubles the funding for SCRI to $80 million annually


• Consolidates conservation programs for flexibility, accountability and adaptability at the local level.

• Links basic conservation practices to crop insurance premium subsidy for highly erodible lands and wetlands.

• Builds upon previous successful partnerships and encourages agricultural producers and partners to design conservation projects that focus on and address regional priorities.

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

2014 Farm Bill

• Reauthorizes and provides $880 million for energy programs established in the 2008 Farm Bill.

• Expands Biorefinery Assistance Program to include biobased product and renewable chemical manufacturing.

• Expands Biopreferred program to include forestry products.


• Makes Stewardship Contracting Authority permanent, allowing FS to conduct restoration work and stimulate job growth.

• Makes the Good Neighbor Authority permanent and available nationwide.


• Maintains SNAP eligibility for millions of low-income families.

• Provides $200 million for job training and $100 million to increase fruit and vegetable purchases.

• Provides $250 million in additional funding for TEFAP.

• Authorizes $125 million for the Healthy Food Financing Initiative to make nutritious food more accessible.

Next Generation Farmers and Ranchers

• Provides $100 million for the Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program.

• Increases access to capital and supports crop insurance and risk management tools, including reducing crop insurance premiums during the first 5 years of farming.

Local and Regional Food Systems

• Renames FMPP to “Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program” and provides $30 million annually.

• Continues to reserve funds in the Business & Industry Loan Program for locally- and regionally- focused businesses.

• Advances growth of local and regional food systems with $65 million for Value Added Product Market Development Grants.

Specialty Crops and Organics

• Provides $72.5 million annually for SCBG.

• Provides new resources for organic farmers, including funding the Organic Cost Share program at $11.5 million annually.

• Increases funding for pest and disease management and disaster prevention to $62.5 million per year, and $75 million in FY 2018 and beyond.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. March 2014

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