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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sustainable Hemp Building Products

Reposted from HempTechnologies Greg and Andrea, I'm working on proper tables for figures.

Hemp Brick Properties:

Dimension = 8” x 8” x 16”

Bulk Density (kg/m3) = 500

Compressive strength (MPa) = >2

R-value (Ft2 x F x hr/BTU) = R10.4

Flame spread/Smoke developed = O (ASTM E84)


HempBoard is available in 2’ x 4’ sheets only at this time - min. order is 10 sheets. Handling charges will be added for orders of less than 10 boards

Hemp Board has excellent internal bond strength and other performance characteristics that meets or exceeds the American National Standard’s Institute (ANSI) requirements for commercial particleboard

Hemp Batt Insulation

Product Name

Size thickness (in or mm)

Sq. Ft Price

Width (in)


# of units on a pallet

Pallet coverage (sq ft)

Pallet Price


Weight (kg/m2)


5.5 in



48 in






5.5 in



48 in






3.5 in



48 in






3.5 in



48 in







2 mm



48 in







3 mm



49 ft






Organic Hemp Oil Orders:

Saturday, May 2, 2015

RePost Growing Industrial Hemp

Growing Industrial Hemp research for the Net Zero Hemp Home

[Find Additional Hemp Building Information Here and Green Blog Sustainable Hemp Home Information Here.  The following links have not been updated Scotty 2/2115]

In the previous articles on using Industrial Hemp for creating the net zero hemp home design  Industrial Hemp Home CAD designs by Scotty-Energy Efficient Post Frame and Hempcrete creating a Net Zero- Energy.  I supplied the basic building plans for building a 4 bed 2 bath home using a Post Frame build technique and then adding Hempcrete,, for the Wall Construction and Insulation also as floor and ceiling insulation.

HempCrete - Hemp Technologies suggests that: 1 x 15kg bag of Hemp mixed with our lime binder will make 4.5 - 5 cubic feet of ”Hempcrete”. 1 cubic meter (m3) = 35 cubic feet (f3) 1 cubic yard (y3) = 27

The first part in this series on Growing Industrial Hemp will be information that I've compiled that will aid in growing the Industrial Hemp Plant for the fibers needed to create this net zero hemp home.  Seed Selection, Soil Preparation, Growing Tips, Harvesting

Just as picking the seeds to grow a backyard garden, field of corn or soybeans.  The care in seed selection should be considered for Industrial Hemp production.  Any Farmer can relate to the desire for a bountiful harvest and just as they realize that it all starts in the seed selection to create this bountiful harvest, the same care should be given while selecting a strain of seeds that has the genes needed for Industrial Hemp Production.   The rest is left to Mother Nature and your talents as a hemp grower.   

For Industrial Hemp Building Uses- Industrial Hemp is planted very densely, as it grows it will perform its own weeding by blocking out the sun and not allowing weeds to grow.

This is worth repeating, since weeds are the enemies of farmers anytime they can be controlled without herbicides is a winning scenario for both the farmers bank account and the farmers land-

-When hemp seeds are sown densely, as the hemp plants grow they will block out the sun and keep weeds from growing.    

 The Hemp plant is also pest and disease resistant requiring no special treatment of harmful pesticides.  Hemp Reports suggest an average rainfall needs of 252 in per year.  Industrial Hemp can be grown in dryer locals as long as adequate irrigation is supplied.

— Hemp Farmers (@HempFarmers) June 24, 2014

  • The following information provided by Hemp Reports

    • If hemp is grown for fibre, it is sown very densely (a seed rate of 55-70 kg/ha is standard, though for very high quality textile fibre a much higher seed rate can be used
    • hemp grows so quickly, at this density hemp can effectively out compete weeds, and so weed control measures (herbicides) are not needed.
    • Hemp seed may be drilled or broadcast, though drilling is recommended for uniformity. A standard grain drill or modified alfalfa seeder can be used for sowing.
    • the most significant costs of growing hemp for fibre relative to other crops is the cost of seed
    • THC level of <0 .3="" a="" american="" as="" be="" certified="" completely="" disappeared="" europe="" from="" germplasms="" have="" hemp="" imported="" north="" of="" prohibition.="" result="" s="" seed="" since="" span="" to="" varieties="" will="">
    • certified seed can be brought into Canada for approximately $2700/tonne. At a rate of 55-70 kg/ha, this translates to $61.80 to $78.75 per acre.
      • For comparison in the cost of Industrial Hemp to Corn and Soybeans look at the information provided by Agri-View
      • Agri-ViewThe cost to grow corn, as producers know, depends heavily on location and soil quality. Last year, the total economic costs per acre for growing corn in Illinois averaged $739 in the northern section of the state, $717 in the mid-section with high-rated soil productivity of 86 to 100 ($687 in central Illinois with low soil ratings of 56 to 85) and $635 in southern Illinois.
      • Soybean costs per acre were $524, $539, $493 and $467, respectively. Costs were lower in southern Illinois primarily because of lower land costs, notes Zwilling.All economic costs on a per-bushel basis in the different sections of Wisconsin’s neighbor state ranged from $4.25 to $4.38 for corn and from $8.98 to $9.53 for soybeans. Variations in this cost were related to weather, yields and land quality.
      • Looking just at the northern Illinois producer records (377 farms, averaging 826 acres)—because of the closer proximity to southern Wisconsin—variable costs were $344 an acre for corn. Specifically, they were: Fertility, $118; pesticides, $44; seed, $95; drying, $19; and repairs, fuel and hire, $68. Variable costs were 14 percent less than the prior year.Other non-land costs for growing corn in northern Illinois were: Labor, $42; buildings, $17; storage, $6; machinery depreciation, $41; nonland interest, $50; and overhead, $57—for a total of $213 an acre. Total non-land costs came to $557 an acre (off 5 percent from ’09).
      • Land costs amounted to $30 for taxes and $152 for annually adjusted net rent for a total land cost of $182. Total costs per acre amounted to $739 an acre (down 4 percent from the previous year). The 2010 yields among these northern Illinois farmers averaged 174 bushels. Their nonland costs per bushel came to $3.20, and total costs to $4.25.
      • Additional Corn Growing Costs-Higher Production Costs Production inputs include seed, fertilizers, herbicides diesel fuel, and others.  For 2013 per acre costs he is using $109 for seed corn, $145 for fertilizer and lime, $25 for herbicide, $25 for crop insurance, $55 for fuel and repairs, $34 for grain drying, $32 for labor, $29 for interest and other costs.
      • The second is the cost of machinery ownership.  These costs are depreciation (an estimate of actual deprecation, not tax depreciation) and interest payments on machinery debt.  Hofstrand uses $54 per acre for machinery costs.
      • The third is the cost of cropland.  The annual cost of cropland is estimated using the cash rental rate.  By charging a land cost equal to the cash rental rate, the return for producing corn is the return to the farm operator (does not includes the landlord’s return).  Hofstrand uses a figure of $270 per acre for cash rent.
      • Hemp requires significant nutrient demands. 
      • The figures of 120 kg/ha Nitrogen, 100 kg/ha phosphate, and 160 kg/ha potash
      • Irrigation is required if precipitation is less than 200mm over the course of the growing period.
      • Harvest period is critical, since after flowering, the quality of the bast fibres starts to decline.

      Projected Yields:

        • The yields generated by hemp depend greatly on the strain of seed being grown, and farming practices and conditions. Seeds bred for area with a shorter growing season, for example, will tend to flower too early, and so will have a reduced dry mass yield.
        • Hemcore has, for example, reported that the Hungarian varieties they have tested have had a 70% greater biomass yield than the French varieties.
        • The natural, or "unimproved" content of bast fibres in hemp stalks is only 12-15%. Through selective breeding programs, primarily in France, Ukraine, and Hungary, the current average is over 20% and many strains have been reported to yield over 30% bast fibre. Only in Hungary has any work been done on developing high yielding hybrids, and so as Dave West points out, "the genetic load of the crop is probably quite high, which would indicate opportunity to significantly improve the crop's productivity."

      This information can be seen in full at the Google Document Link 

      Hemp Reports


      There are two potentially viable approaches to growing hemp commercially: growing hemp for fibre or for seed. If hemp is grown for fibre, it is sown very densely (a seed rate of 55-70 kg/ha is standard, though for very high quality textile fibre a much higher seed rate can be used[5]). Since hemp grows so quickly, at this density hemp can effectively out compete weeds, and so weed control measures (herbicides) are not needed. If hemp is grown for seed, it is grown much less densely (typically 10 -15kg/ha[6]) and is not as effective at suppressing weeds, so herbicides will probably be required. Hemp seed may be drilled or broadcast, though drilling is recommended for uniformity. A standard grain drill or modified alfalfa seeder can be used for sowing.

      Pesticides are generally considered unnecessary in the cultivation of hemp,[7] although researchers in Manitoba in 1995 reported that several pests had to be contended with.[8] For the purpose of this paper, pesticide use will be considered to be nil to reflect the majority of findings and hemp's organic farming potential. Another positive aspect of the crop is that once planted, no further husbandry is required until harvest, thereby minimizing labour costs and energy consumption.

      Hemp for Fibre

      OOperating Expenses:

      Presently, one of the most significant costs of growing hemp for fibre relative to other crops is the cost of seed. To ensure that seed strains being used will meet the generally accepted THC level of <0 .3="" 55-70="" a="" acre.="" american="" and="" approximately="" are="" as="" at="" based="" be="" because="" brought="" but="" by="" can="" canada="" certification="" certified="" completely="" continuously="" cost="" current="" demand="" demands="" disappeared="" especially="" europe="" european="" experience="" farmers.="" for="" from="" germplasms="" ha="" half="" have="" hemp="" high="" imported="" increasing="" into="" kg="" low="" north="" not="" of="" on="" only="" over="" per="" perpetuated="" premium="" prices="" prohibition.="" rate="" recent="" result="" s="" seed="" since="" span="" strict="" substantial="" supply="" system="" the="" this="" to="" tonne.="" translates="" transportation="" varieties="" very="" western="" will="" world="">

      Although hemp generally requires no pesticides or herbicides, it does have significant nutrient demands. The figures of 120 kg/ha Nitrogen, 100 kg/ha phosphate, and 160 kg/ha potash are used for the purpose of cost calculation. These figures derived from Hemcore's U.K. hemp growing experience are consistent with other research.[10] Irrigation is required if precipitation is less than 200mm over the course of the growing period. Harvest period is critical, since after flowering, the quality of the bast fibres starts to decline.

      The operations required for growing hemp for fibre are: seeding, cutting, baling, and bale handling. According to a number of researchers, hemp can be cultivated using existing farm equipment, however, for harvesting some alterations maybe required. The machinery operating, investment and depreciation costs used in these calculations are based on Ontario and Manitoba corn production costs, but reflect the need for more robust equipment and /or higher repair costs due to the toughness of the crop.[11] Storage may also be necessary, depending on the specific end use of the crop.

      Although hemp generally requires no pesticides or herbicides, it does have significant nutrient demands. The figures of 120 kg/ha Nitrogen, 100 kg/ha phosphate, and 160 kg/ha potash are used for the purpose of cost calculation. These figures derived from Hemcore's U.K. hemp growing experience are consistent with other research.[10] Irrigation is required if precipitation is less than 200mm over the course of the growing period. Harvest period is critical, since after flowering, the quality of the bast fibres starts to decline.

      The operations required for growing hemp for fibre are: seeding, cutting, baling, and bale handling. According to a number of researchers, hemp can be cultivated using existing farm equipment, however, for harvesting some alterations maybe required. The machinery operating, investment and depreciation costs used in these calculations are based on Ontario and Manitoba corn production costs, but reflect the need for more robust equipment and /or higher repair costs due to the toughness of the crop.[11] Storage may also be necessary, depending on the specific end use of the crop.

      Projected Yields:

      Claims for hemp fibre yields vary radically. Reported dry matter yields range from 5-15 tons/ha, of which 12-40% can be bast fibre. The yields generated by hemp depend greatly on the strain of seed being grown, and farming practices and conditions. Seeds bred for area with a shorter growing season, for example, will tend to flower too early, and so will have a reduced dry mass yield. Hemcore has, for example, reported that the Hungarian varieties they have tested have had a 70% greater biomass yield than the French varieties. Furthermore, three years of trials resulted in average yields of approximately 10.5 dm(dry matter)t/ha, while their first year of commercial crops yielded only 5.0 dmt/ha. Having no seeds bred specifically for its growing conditions, the U.K., like Canada, depends on seeds developed for other climes, so initial commercial results are naturally relatively low.

      The natural, or "unimproved" content of bast fibres in hemp stalks is only 12-15%. Through selective breeding programs, primarily in France, Ukraine, and Hungary, the current average is over 20% and many strains have been reported to yield over 30% bast fibre.[12] Only in Hungary has any work been done on developing high yielding hybrids, and so as Dave West points out, "the genetic load of the crop is probably quite high, which would indicate opportunity to significantly improve the crop's productivity."[13]

      Initial results from Canadian hemp researchers reveal dry mass yields lower than in other parts of the world. Australian farmers reported yields of 8-10t/ha, Ukrainian farmers 8-10t/ha, Dutch farmers 10-14t/ha, while in the U.K., in contrast, commercial yields of only 5-7t/ha were reported. Jack Moes, New Crops Agronomist for Manitoba Agriculture reported yields from their first year of test of 4500-7700 kg/ha for seven different varieties, while A.E.Slinkard of the University of Saskatchewan reported yields of 7100-9500 kg/ha. For the purposes of comparison, then a low and high estimate of dry matter and bast fibre yield will be calculated. A low , but realistic first crop yield of 6t/ha will be compared with realistic future yields of 10t/ha. Such yields would very likely be achievable on a commercial level after a few years of cultivation experience and seed breeding. Also, a low bast fibre yield of 22% will be contrasted with a high yield of 30%, for a range of 1.3-3.0 t/ha. This difference can be accounted for by seed variety and planting density.

      Break-even Price for Whole Stalk (Farmgate $/tonne):

      Exhibits 3 and 4 detail the expected costs per acre of growing hemp, and compares it to the costs of growing canola and spring wheat in Saskatchewan, and canola and grain corn in Ontario. Machinery costs are estimated using equipment intensive corn cultivation and harvesting as a comparable, and the high demands hemp places on equipment have also been factored in. The final figures are in line with the experience of Canadian hemp farmers, but lower hemp farmers in some other countries. Australian farmers, for instance, estimated their costs to grow, harvest, manage and secure their hemp crops to be US$240/t. This figure however, includes irrigation and storage costs, and the crop was also picked up by hand after being cut by machine and left to ret in the field. Note that the most significant cost of hemp relative to the other crops is the cost of seed, over half of which is the cost of transport.[14]

      Below are the prices required at farmgate for break-even, depending on the yield of stalk realized. These prices are intended to cover ALL fixed and variable costs incurred by the farmer.
      Yield (tonnes/acre)

      Seeding @ 55kg/ha
      Seeding @ 70kg/ha

      Next in the Hemp Growing Series will be the Soil Preparation, Seeding, and Harvesting Industrial Hemp- needed to build the Net Zero Hemp Home


      Scotts Contracting. "St Louis Renewable Energy." 2010. 14 Feb. 2014 <http://stlouisrenewableenergy.blogspot.com/>
      "Post Frame Building - Post Frame Construction | Post-Frame Market ..." 2008. 14 Feb. 2014 <http://www.postframeadvantage.com/>
      "Hempcrete - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2008. 14 Feb. 2014 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hempcrete>
      "What is Hempcrete? | American Lime Technology Website." 2012. 14 Feb. 2014 <http://www.americanlimetechnology.com/what-is-hempcrete/>
      "HempCrete - Hemp Technologies." 2011. 14 Feb. 2014 <http://www.hemp-technologies.com/page15/page16/page16.html>
      "White Label Hemp Seeds - Hemp Seed Shop." 2013. 14 Feb. 2014 <http://hempseedshop.com/white-label-hemp-seeds/>
      European Industrial Hemp Association -EIHA European Industrial Hemp Association
      Hemp Industries Association-Hemp is among the oldest industries- Facts
      Hemp is a commonly used term for high growing varieties of the Cannabis plant Hemp
      Commercial Hemp Cultivation in Canada"An Economic Justification" by David Marcus*


      Remember the difference between the Medical Marijuana Cannabis Plants and Industrial Hemp Cannabis Plant

      Hemp has a THC level of less than .3%

      This post is about Industrial Hemp for fibers and seeds.  

    • dry matter yields range from 5-15 tons/ha, of which 12-40% can be bast fibre.

    Hemp Seed Report

    Seed Markets
    Thompson et al. (1998) estimated the demand for hemp seed by asking seed processing firms in the United States and Canada how many tons they pur- chased per month. They estimated North American demand at 1,300 tons at an average price of 39 cents per pound. Given yields in Germany of 1,000 pounds per acre, it would take 2,600 acres to satisfy the esti- mated demand for hemp seed. Ehrensing (1998) found bulk hemp seed prices at about 45 cents per pound, with strong demand. Hanks (Fall 1999) reports an average Canadian seed price of 41 cents per pound (60 cents Canadian) in 1999, but states that many observers fear overproduction of hemp in western Canada may bring crop prices down. In comparison, during the 1994/95-1998/99 marketing years, soybean, canola, and flaxseed prices averaged 10, 11, and 10 cents per pound, respectively (Ash, 1999).
    According to Vantreese (1998), export prices of hemp seed have been extremely volatile in the last 20 years, mainly due to the variability of Chinese exports. China began producing and exporting hemp seed in large quantities in 1986, causing world prices to fall from 25 cents in 1985 to 15 cents per pound in 1986. In 1991, China stopped exporting hemp seed and prices nearly doubled in 1992. Prices peaked in 1995 at 41 cents a pound. During the 1990’s, increased EU production of hemp also increased the demand for seed stock for planting, thereby raising export values.
    Hemp seeds can be used as a food ingredient or crushed for oil and meal. The seed contains 20 percent high-quality, digestible protein, which can be con- sumed by humans, animals, and birds (Vantreese, 1998). The seed is approximately 29 to 34 percent oil by weight. The oil can be used both for human con- sumption and industrial applications (fig. 2). Due to the high content of polyunsaturated oils, it is fairly unstable and becomes rancid quickly unless preserved. The meal (seed cake) contains 25 to 30 percent protein and can be used in food and animal feed (Vantreese, 1998; Hinz, 1999).
    Companies are using hemp seed in their products. Natural-product magazines, such as the Natural Food Merchandiser and Organic & Natural News, have advertised products containing hemp ingredients such as roasted hulled seed, nutrition bars, tortilla chips, pretzels, and beer. At least two breweries in the United States, as well as breweries in Canada, Germany, and
    Switzerland, make hemp beer (The Economist; Gardner and White; Louie, 1998). One article touts hulled hemp seeds as more shelf-stable than flax and more digestible than soybeans and finds the seed in snacks, spreads, salad dressings, cheese, and ice cream (Rorie, 1999). The market potential for hemp seed as a food ingredient is unknown. However, it probably will remain a small market, like those for sesame and poppy seeds. Some consumers may be willing to pay a higher price for hemp-seed-containing products because of the novelty, but otherwise hemp seed will have to compete on taste and functionality with more common food ingredients.
    Currently, a trendy use of hemp oil is for body-care products, such as lotions, moisturizers, shampoos, and lip balms (Marshall, 1998; Rorie). For example, The Body Shop, a British-based international skin products company, began selling hemp-oil-containing products about 2 years ago in the United States. In June 1999, the company reported that those seven or eight prod- ucts now account for 10 percent of total sales. However, to meet this demand, The Body Shops imports only 12 tons of organic hemp seed oil a year into the United States (Patton).
    Hemp oil is also sold in health food stores as a nutri- tional supplement. The oil is mechanically (cold) pressed from the seed to maintain its quality and integrity. According to one industry participant, cold- pressed hemp oil has a dark green color and nutty fla- vor (Hemp-Agro). It contains roughly the same ratio of linoleic and linolenic acids that would be found in a nutritionally balanced diet (Marshall, Hinz). In addi- tion to these two essential fatty acids, hemp oil con- tains 1 to 4 percent gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is also available from evening primrose and bor- age oils that, because of their unpleasant taste, are sold only in capsule form (Marshall, Hemp-Agro).
    The market for hemp oil is limited by a number of fac- tors. First, mechanical crushing produces a lower oil yield than crushing combined with solvent extraction. Nor does hemp oil undergo degumming and bleaching as do many other vegetable oils. Some consumers pre- fer an oil that has been processed without chemicals, but others may dislike hemp oil’s color or taste. Second, the oil is high in unsaturated fatty acids, which can easily oxidize, so it must be kept in dark- colored bottles and has a limited shelf life. Like flax and safflower oils, which also are highly unsaturated,
    Industrial Hemp in the United States USDA • 15
    hemp Table 6—U.S. use of selected vegetable oils in
    oil should not be used for frying. Third, to be industrial applications, 1978/79-19981
    used as a salad oil, it will have to be tested by the U.S.
    and All oils
    fats 3
    Linseed oil Food and Drug Administration and found “generally recognized as safe.” In Canada, hemp foods are now regulated as novel foods, a legislative category devel- oped primarily for products containing genetically modified organisms (Hanks, Fall 1999).
    As a drying oil, hemp oil would have to compete with manmade chemicals and plant-based oils, such as lin- seed and tung oils, in industrial applications. As with industrial uses of all plant and animal oils and fats, use of linseed and tung oils has fluctuated in the last two decades, with no apparent upward or downward trend (table 6). Hemp oil would have to compete on func- tionality and price with current raw materials in these established industrial markets.
    16 • USDA Industrial Hemp in the United States
    Tung Linseed oil and tung oils
    Million pounds
    1978/79 4,443.9 207.5 13.5 221.0 1979/80 4,216.1 160.0 15.7 175.7 1980/81 4,163.2 127.6 16.6 144.2 1981/82 3,721.0 92.7 14.6 107.3 1982/83 3,649.6 97.6 12.2 109.8
    1983/84 3,982.1 121.2 19.7 140.9 1984/85 3,665.0 166.0 12.4 178.4 1985/86 3,571.3 176.9 11.6 188.5 1986/87 5,990.6 280.8 12.2 293.0 1987/88 4,098.1 159.3 14.8 174.1
    1988/89 3,805.4 154.9 7.7 162.6 1989/90 3,509.8 110.5 8.9 119.4 1991 3,745.1 95.8 6.4 102.2 1992 3,727.9 154.4 7.3 161.7 1993 3,646.2 125.8 11.2 137.0
    1994 4,307.5 124.3 9.3 133.6 1995 3,760.2 112.8 20.2 133.0 1996 3,588.7 98.6 21.3 119.9 1997 3,889.8 83.0 19.4 102.4 1998 3,695.4 79.4 14.3 93.7
    Includes soaps, paints, varnishes, resins, plastics, lubricants, fatty acids, 2
    Crop and year other runs products.
    from October 1 to September 30. Annual totals reported 3
    Includes on castor a calendar oil, coconut year basis oil, tallow beginning (beef in fat), 1991.
    lard (pork fat), lin- seed oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, tall oil, and tung oil.
    Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census.

    Hemp potential US Production and Processing

    Potential U.S. Production and Processing

    Potential yields and processing methods, along with farmer costs and returns, are important considerations when evaluating industrial hemp as a potential U.S. crop. Revenue is dependent on yields and market prices. Generally, the lower the market price, the greater the yield must be for producers to break even or make a profit. In addition, U.S. experience with kenaf and flax may lend insights into the processing hurdles hemp may face in the United States.

    Possible Yields

    The Oregon study summarizes hemp yields reported by researchers from various countries since the 1900’s (Ehrensing). Early in this century, U.S. dry-stem yields ranged from 2 to 12.5 tons per acre, but averaged 5 tons per acre under good conditions. Research trials in Europe during the last four decades had dry-matter yields that ranged from 3.6 to 8.7 tons per acre. In the Netherlands, research trials during the late 1980’s reported dry-stem yields of 4.2 to 6.1 tons per acre. Recent commercial production in England produced average dry-matter yields of 2.2 to 3 tons per acre on several thousand acres over several years. Experimental production in Canada during 1995 and 1996 yielded 2.5 to 3 tons of dry stems per acre. According to the study, some of the variation in yield

    can be attributed to different measurement practices. For example, European authors generally report total above-ground dry matter, including stems, leaves, and seed, versus the dry-stem yields reported by other researchers.

    Vantreese (1998) reports that hemp seed yields have increased dramatically in recent years. In 1997, world average yields reached 876 pounds per acre. Yields ranged significantly, from a high of 1,606 pounds per acre in China, where the seed is consumed, to 595 pounds per acre in France, where much of the produc- tion is certified planting seed. In Germany, current seed yields are about 1,000 pounds per acre (Thompson et al.), while those in Eastern Europe range from 350 to 450 pounds per acre (Mackie, 1998). In Canada, seed yields in 1999 averaged 800 pounds per acre (Hanks, Fall 1999).


    In addition to the uncertainty about yields, there is some question as to whether hemp fibers can be prof- itably processed in the United States. As was outlined earlier, the technologies used to process hemp fiber have not changed much and they require capital investment and knowledgeable workers. Research is under way to streamline harvesting, retting, and fiber separation, but those technological breakthroughs have yet to occur. Traditional retting and fiber-separation

    Table 7—Estimated enterprise costs for hemp production in Kentucky, 1994

    Costs Fiber


    Seed Certified seed


    Variable costs: Seed (pounds) (40) 80.00 (10) 20.00 (10) 20.00 Fertilizer 33.58 33.58 33.58 Lime (tons) (1) 10.82 (1) 10.82 (1) 10.82 Fuel, oil (hours) (4.5) 16.02 (2.2) 12.22 (2.2) 12.22 Repairs 9.35 17.60 17.60 Interest 7.93 4.24 4.24 Total 184.12 98.46 98.46

    Fixed costs


    46.08 41.25 64.84

    Operator labor


    (hours) (8) 56.00 (8) 56.00 (10) 70.00

    Total enterprise costs 286.20 195.71 233.30 1 2

    Harvested Depreciation, and taxes, sold as insurance.

    raw stalks.


    At $7 per hour.

    Source: McNulty.

    Industrial Hemp in the United States USDA • 17

    were processes—both labor and resource intensive—could

    comparable to 1993 estimated expenses for pro- limit the ability of U.S. hemp producers to compete

    ducing corn and double-crop wheat/soybeans in against major suppliers such as China, Hungary,

    Kentucky (table 8). The analysis assumed that hemp Poland, and Romania.

    grown for fiber would be harvested and sold as raw stalks on a dry-weight basis. Various sources priced Specialty oilseed crushing mills that could accommo-

    raw, dry defoliated stalks at $60 to $125 per metric date hemp seed do exist in the United States.

    ton. Yields were assumed to range from 7 to 15 metric According to the Soya & Oilseed Bluebook, companies

    tons per hectare (2.8-6.1 metric tons per acre), based in North Dakota, Minnesota, Georgia, and North

    largely on European studies. Thus, potential returns Carolina mechanically crush flaxseed, borage, saf-

    for hemp fiber ranged from a low price/low yield esti- flower, canola, sunflowerseed, crambe, peanuts, and

    mate of $170 per acre to a high price/high yield return cottonseed (Soyatech, 1999).

    of $759 per acre (table 8). With estimated production expenses of $286, net returns for hemp for fiber Estimated Costs and Returns

    ranged from -$116 to $473 per acre. Returns for hemp seed were estimated to range from $60 to $800 per Both the 1995 Kentucky Task Force report (McNulty)

    acre. Given costs of production at $196 per acre, net and the 1998 Kentucky impact analysis (Thompson et

    returns ranged from -$136 to $604 per acre (McNulty). al.), as well as the Oregon and North Dakota studies (Ehrensing, Kraenzel et al.), present estimated costs

    The Oregon report also estimated costs and returns for and returns for hemp production. All include esti-

    hemp grown for fiber, using typical costs associated mates for fiber (stalk) production. The 1995

    with irrigated field corn in the Pacific Northwest (table Kentucky, 1998 Kentucky, and North Dakota reports

    9). Variable and fixed costs for hemp were estimated also present estimates on seed production. In addition,

    at $371 and $245 per acre, respectively. The dry-mat- most of the studies compare the estimated hemp costs

    ter yield was assumed to be 5 tons per acre, which is and returns to those for other crops.

    consistent with the higher average yields reported in Western Europe using well-adapted cultivars. A price The Kentucky Task Force estimated total costs—

    of $75 per dry ton was based on the price of wood which include variable costs, fixed costs, and operator

    chips in the Pacific Northwest, as it was anticipated labor—to be $286 per acre for hemp fiber, $196 for

    that the fiber could be used by local composite and seed, and $233 for certified seed (table 7). These costs

    paper companies. Given this yield and price, gross

    Table 8—Estimated costs of production and returns for various crops in Kentucky, 1993 or 1994

    Estimated cost per acre



    Return Net return Yield per acre per acre Variable Fixed Labor Total per acre


    Fiber hemp


    2.8-6.1 metric 170-759 184 46 56 286 -116 to 473


    Hemp seed


    na 60-800 98 41 56 196 -136 to 604

    Corn grain 110 bushels 231 155 46 32 233 -2


    (double crop) 45/28 bushels 300 149 44 37 230 70


    (for processing) 27 tons 2,430 1,278 154 231 1,663 767

    Burley tobacco 2,500 pounds 4,375 1,905 626 700 3,231 1,144

    na 1 2 3

    Various For One = Not all source crops available. sources estimated except priced hemp, returns dry, 18 • USDA Industrial Hemp in the United States

    source is University of Kentucky, Department defoliated stalks at $60 to $125 per metric at $60 to $171 per acre for seed (for oil of Agricultural ton.

    and feed), while Economics crop budgets for 1993.

    another estimated seed returns at $800 per acre (2,000 pounds per acre at 40 cents per pound). Source: McNulty.

    revenue Table 9—Estimated production budget for hemp in

    would be $375 per acre and net returns would the Pacific Northwest1

    be -$241 per acre (Ehrensing).

    Item Dollars/ton Dollars/acre (dry weight)

    The Oregon report presents a sensitivity analysis of net

    Variable costs: Cultural

    Tillage and planting 40.00 returns based on various yields and potential market

    prices (table 10). Most of the net returns remain nega- 8.00

    tive except under the highest yield/price combinations. Hemp Fertilizer seed and application


    34.00 85.00 6.80

    The analysis was further refined to see if dual produc-

    Irrigation 62.00 Total 221.00 Harvest

    4 Forage chopper ($3/ton) 15.00 Raking ($1.50/ton) 7.50 Baling, large square

    17.00 12.40 44.20

    tion was any more profitable. The cost of combine seed harvest, $20 per acre, was added to variable costs, and stalk yields were lowered to 2.5 tons per

    3.00 1.50

    acre with a price of $75 per ton. Again, most of the net returns are negative except for the highest yield/price combinations (table 11) (Ehrensing). bales ($9.80/ton) 49.00 9.80 Loading and trucking

    The 1998 Kentucky report estimates costs and returns ($3.00/ton) Total 15.00 86.50 3.00 12.80

    for hemp grown for fiber (straw), seed (grain), certified seed, and both fiber and seed (table 12). The cost esti- Miscellaneous

    Operating capital interest 29.78 Pickup 7.68 Farm truck 6.34 General overhead 20.00 5.96 1.54 1.27 4.00

    Table 10—Estimated net return per acre from hemp production in the Pacific Northwest at various price and yield levels

    Total 63.80 12.76

    Yield (tons

    Price (dollars/ton) Total variable costs 371.30 69.76

    per acre) 50 75 100 125 Fixed costs:

    Dollars/acre Land rent 150.00 30.00

    Insurance, machinery

    and equipment 3.00 0.60 Irrigation system, depre-

    ciation and interest 44.00 8.80 Machinery and equipment,

    3 -431.70 -356.70 -281.70 -206.70 4 -399.00 -299.00 -199.00 -99.00 5 -366.30 -241.30 -116.30 8.70 6 -333.60 -183.60 -33.60 116.40 7 -300.90 -125.90 49.10 224.10 depreciation and interest 48.00 9.60 Total 245.00 49.00

    Source: Ehrensing.

    Total production costs 616.30 118.76

    Gross (yield = income

    5 tons/acre)


    375.00 75.00

    Net projected returns -241.30 -43.76

    Table 11—Estimated net return per acre from dual- purpose hemp production in the Pacific Northwest at various seed prices and yield levels1 1

    Budget was developed using typical costs associated with irrigat- ed field corn in the Pacific Northwest. Production practices were chosen to maximize stem dry-weight yield for possible production of composite wood products or paper.

    Seed price (dollars/pound) Seed yield (pounds/acre) 2

    25 pounds/acre at

    500 750 1000 $1.36/pound. The assumed cost of hemp seed is the average of prices Cost 16-16-16 of reported shipping at $250/ton.

    for from commercially Europe 4

    Based was on available not cost included.

    of operating European 3

    600 silage hemp pounds/acre corn varieties. har-

    0.30 0.35 Dollars/acre

    -255 -181 -106 -231 -143 -56 vesters and local cost of raking and baling hay and grass seed

    0.40 -206 -106 -6 straw. are included.

    No costs 5

    The associated dry matter with yield retting, is assumed such as additional to be 5 tons/acre,


    which is consistent with the higher average yields reported in Western Europe using well-adapted hemp cultivars. An assumed price of $75 per dry ton was used in the analysis since prices for

    0.45 -181 -68 45 0.50 -156 -31 94 0.55 -131 7 144 1

    The cost of combine seed harvest, $20 per acre, was added to wood chips in the Pacific Northwest have risen over the past decade

    variable costs. Hemp stem yield was assumed to be 2.5 tons per and this trend is expected to continue.

    acre with a price of $75 per ton. Other assumptions are the same

    Source: Ehrensing.

    as those used for table 9.

    Source: Ehrensing.

    Industrial Hemp in the United States USDA • 19

    admit mates are based on the 1995 Kentucky report and

    that the very high returns calculated in these updated to 1997 with some modifications. The yields

    estimates cannot be sustained. While most of their used in the analysis are from Germany. The prices,

    discussion focuses on why the price of certified seed based on import prices and/or prices paid in Canada,

    will decrease, little attention is given to stalk prices. were estimated to be 39 cents per pound for seed, $1.20

    The price they used for stalks is the first-year (1998) per pound for certified seed for planting, and $200 per

    price offered by Kenex Ltd., the Ontario firm contract- ton for hemp stalks. The residual stalks from seed pro-

    ing for hemp acreage, which is not representative of duction were estimated to fetch $120 per ton. Total

    long-term stalk prices. With new crops, firms often costs ranged from $257 to $403 per acre. According to

    have to offer farmers an initial premium to induce the report, these cost estimates are consistent with

    them to experiment with a new crop and to compen- those made by Reichert (1994), by Kenex Ltd., and

    sate them for lower initial yields and the forgone from German cultivation data (Thompson et al.).

    returns of a conventional crop. Thus, many of the rev- enue estimates likely overstate average annual returns. Estimated revenue ranges from $477 per acre for seed

    Given the high estimates, it is not surprising that when to $900 per acre for certified seed. Thompson et al.

    compared with conventional field crops, hemp net

    20 • USDA Industrial Hemp in the United States

    Table 12—Estimated growing costs and returns for industrial hemp in Kentucky using 1997 technology, yields, and, prices1

    Item Fiber




    Certified seed Fiber and seed



    Variable costs: Seed (pounds) (50) 125.00 (10) 25.00 (10) 25.00 (50) 125.00 Fertilizer 45.01 45.01 45.01 45.01 Herbicides 0.00 10.95 10.95 0.00 Lime (tons) (1) 12.12 (1) 12.12 (1) 12.12 (1) 12.12 Fuel, oil (hours) (4.5) 18.43 (2.2) 14.06 (2.2) 14.06 (2.2) 22.25 Repair 16.14 30.38 30.38 23.12 Interest 8.38 5.24 5.24 8.94 Storage 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Transport to processor 27.20 8.00 5.60 24.00 Total 257.28 155.76 153.36 265.44

    Fixed costs


    50.27 45.00 70.73 75.05

    Operator labor

    4 (hours) (8) 56.00 (8) 56.00 (10) 70.00 (9) 63.00

    Total enterprise costs 363.55 256.76 294.09 403.49

    Stalk revenue 680.00 60.00 60.00 450.00 Stalk yield 3.4 tons/acre 0.5 tons/acre 0.5 tons/acre 2.25 tons/acre Price per ton 200/ton 120/ton 120/ton 200/ton

    Seed revenue na 416.91 840.00 273.00 Seed yield na 1,069 lbs/acre 700 lbs/acre 700 lbs/acre Price per pound na 0.39/pound 1.20/pound 0.39/pound

    Total revenue 680.00 476.91 900.00 723.00

    Profit 316.45 220.15 605.91 319.51

    na 1

    Figures = Not applicable.

    are based on estimates in McNulty (1995) and updated to 1997 based on the increased costs of growing corn. Also, herbicide, stor- age, and transport-to-processor costs were added; estimates for repair were increased by 50 percent; 50 pounds of hemp seed per acre were assumed 2 3 4

    for cultivating hemp for fiber rather than 40 pounds. Referred to in the report as straw and grain. Fixed costs include depreciation, taxes, and insurance. At $7 per hour.

    Source: Thompson et al.

    basis Table 13—Estimated returns to land, capital, and

    for the three price/yield scenarios. Prices ranged management per acre for industrial hemp and

    from $5.51 to $6.80 per bushel for seed and from common Kentucky crops, 1997

    $40.44 to $51.45 per ton for fiber (table 14). Yield

    Crop Estimated return to land,

    estimates ranged from 14.3 to 23.8 bushels of seed per capital, and management

    acre and 2.5 to 3 tons of fiber per acre. Total costs

    Hemp, seed only Hemp, fiber only Hemp, seed and fiber Hemp, certified seed only Dollars/acre 220.15 316.45 319.51 605.91

    were estimated at $175 per acre, while potential rev- enue ranged from $180 to $316 per acre, resulting in net returns of $5 to $142 per acre. The return for the low-price/low-yield hemp scenario was comparable to those for most of the comparison crops in the study.

    Grain sorghum, conventional tillage Wheat, reduced tillage 10.51 14.24

    Only irrigated potatoes had higher net returns than any of the three hemp scenarios (Kraenzel et al.). Continuous corn 75.71 Popcorn, reduced tillage 78.25

    Among the studies, total costs ranged from $175 for Soybeans, no-till, rotation following crop No-till corn, rotation following soybeans White corn, rotation following soybeans, reduced tillage Alfalfa hay 102.20 106.48

    North Dakota to $616 in Oregon (table 15). A lot of the variation can be attributed to differences in fixed

    135.84 141.34

    costs. For example, fixed costs in the Kentucky stud- ies, which do not include land rent, are estimated at Barley/no-till soybeans, double-crop

    $75 per acre or below. In the Oregon report, fixed following corn Wheat/no-till soybeans, double-crop following corn Grass legume hay, round bales Dark air-cured tobacco 158.09

    costs are $245 per acre, including land rent and irriga-

    158.43 161.56 182.48

    tion-system depreciation. When land and irrigation costs are removed, fixed costs drop to $51. Also, when land rents, estimated at $65 to $75 (Vantreese, person- Dark fire-cured tobacco 1,104.87

    al communication), are added to the Kentucky esti- Burley tobacco, baled, nonirrigated 1,563.48

    mates, fixed costs range from $106 to $150. The esti-

    Source: Thompson et al.

    mates also may differ due to varying assumptions

    returns were higher than those for all the selected crops except tobacco (table 13).

    about production practices and may reflect different cost structures among the States. The Oregon study did cite high land costs as one reason hemp production

    The costs and returns in the North Dakota report are based on a dual-purpose crop in Ontario, Canada.

    may not be viable in the Pacific Northwest (Ehrensing).

    Information from Vantreese (1997) was used as the

    Table 14—Estimated costs and returns for hemp and other crops in North Dakota, 1998

    Crop Average yield Average price Total revenue Total costs Net returns

    Per acre Dollars/unit ------------------Dollars/acre-------------------

    Low-price/low-yield hemp


    14.3 bushels; $5.51/bushel; 179.96 174.63 5.33

    Average hemp


    2.5 tons $40.44/ton 19 bushels; $6.16/bushel; 248.13 174.63 73.49

    High-price/high-yield hemp


    2.75 tons $45.96/ton 23.8 bushels; $6.80/bushel; 316.29 174.63 141.65

    3 tons $51.47/ton

    Corn grain

    2 Spring wheat


    54 bushels 2.25 121.50 159.70 -38.20

    Confectionery Malting Irrigated barley


    2 sunflowers


    Industrial Hemp in the United States USDA • 21


    31 bushels 3.71 115.01 117.32 -2.31 1,080 pounds 0.131 141.48 140.62 0.86 50 bushels 2.41 120.50 115.02 5.48 32,500 pounds 0.045 1,462.50 1,017.59 444.91

    1 2

    Estimates From projected are for 1998 a dual-purpose crop budgets crop for in Ontario, Canada.

    Northeast North Dakota.

    Source: Kraenzel et al.

    Table 15—Comparison of estimated costs and returns for hemp from the various State studies

    Report Variable Fixed costs


    Operator Total costs Revenue Net returns costs labor


    1995 Kentucky:

    Fiber 184 46 56 286 170 to 759 -116 to 473 Seed 98 41 56 196 60 to 800 -136 to 604 Certified seed 98 65 70 233 na na


    Fiber 371 245 na 616 375 -241

    1998 Kentucky:

    Fiber 257 50 56 364 680 316 Seed 156 45 56 257 477 220 Certified seed 153 71 70 294 900 606 Fiber and seed 265 75 63 403 723 320

    North Dakota:

    Fiber and seed na na na 175 180 to 316 5 to 142

    na 1

    In = the not two available.

    Kentucky studies, fixed costs include depreciation, taxes, and insurance. In the Oregon study, fixed costs include land rent ($150), irrigation-system depreciation and interest ($44), machinery depreciation and interest, and insurance.

    None of the cost estimates include costs for monitor- ing, licensing, or regulating hemp production. These external expenses would be part of the cost of produc- ing industrial hemp and could be borne by taxpayers or passed on to growers and/or processors. According to Thompson et al. (1998), Kenex Ltd. estimates that Canadian farmers will pay US$50 annually for a back- ground check and to obtain the satellite coordinates for their hemp fields (fields are monitored via satellite as part of the Canadian program).

    The studies also present a range of revenue estimates, which is not surprising given the uncertainty about demand and expected market prices. Overall, it seems questionable that U.S. producers could remain prof- itable at the low end of the estimated net returns. In addition, given the thinness of the current U.S. hemp fiber market, any overproduction could lead to lower prices and lost profitability.

    U.S. Experience With Kenaf and Flax

    Both kenaf and flax can be legally grown in the United States. Their recent production history may lend addi- tional insights into the potential for hemp in the United States.

    Kenaf is a relatively new crop. It can be grown in many parts of the United States, but it generally needs a long growing season to produce the necessary yield to make it a profitable crop. With a long growing sea-

    son, like that found in the southern United States, kenaf can reach a height of 12 to 18 feet and produce 5 to 10 tons of dry fiber per acre annually. An esti- mated 8,000 acres of kenaf was grown in the United States in 1997, up from 4,000 acres in 1992 and 1993. Primary production areas are Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Delaware, and Louisiana (Glaser and Van Dyne). Processing and product technology for kenaf- based pulp and for about six other markets have been developed, but markets must be established in each geographic area since the core fraction is very low density and expensive to ship.

    Flax is grown in the United States in small quantities. Production is almost totally oilseed varieties (for lin- seed oil). Textile or linen flax has not been grown commercially in North America for 40 years (Domier). The United States does not produce textile flax for several reasons. First, the market for linen is very small compared with other natural fibers like cotton, which accounts for nearly one-third of U.S. fiber mill use. Linen textile imports have accounted for an annu- al average of 2 to 3 percent of the quantity of all fibers consumed in the United States (mill use plus net tex- tile trade). Additionally, since 1989, linen textile imports as a percentage of total textile imports have consistently fallen from 12 percent to 4 percent in 1998 and 1999. The market remains small because the economics of producing textile flax is not very price/cost competitive. As noted earlier, many ineffi- ciencies continue to exist in this industry, particularly

    22 • USDA Industrial Hemp in the United States

    fiber the methods of harvesting and processing. Because of

    mill reopened in Quebec in December 1997, and the length of the fiber and the variation in quality, U.S.

    research and development activities are occurring in mills are reluctant to use textile flax. Some recent

    Alberta, Connecticut, Maine, Oregon, and developments, however, have allowed the use of tex-

    Saskatchewan (Domier; Hanks, Fall 1999). tile flax waste on cotton-spinning systems. Also, a flax

    Industrial Hemp in the United States USDA • 23

    USDA Industrial Hemp in the United States

    Current markets for bast fibers like industrial hemp include specialty textiles, paper, and composites. Hemp hurds, the inner woody portion of the plant stem, are used in various applications such as animal bedding, composites, and low-quality papers. As joint products, finding viable markets for both hemp bast fiber and hurds may increase the chances of a success- ful business venture. Hemp industry sources and some academic studies cite many potential uses for hemp fiber and hurds. However, for these applications to develop or expand, hemp will have to compete with current raw materials and manufacturing practices. The U.S. market for hemp fibers is, and will likely remain, a small, thin market. Changes in price or quantity could be more disruptive and have a greater adverse impact on market participants than would be the case in a larger market.

    Since there is no commercial production of industrial fiber hemp in the United States, the “size” of the market can only be gauged from hemp fiber and product imports. The near-term, low-end size of the U.S. market for hemp as a textile fiber might be defined by considering the domestic production and acreage required to replace imports of hemp fiber, yarn, and fabric in 1999. Assuming a potential U.S. yield of 1,550 pounds of fiber per acre and using linen yarn and fabric conversion factors, the estimated import quantity of hemp fiber, yarn, and fabric in 1999 could have been produced on less than 2,000 acres of land. Given the average size of farms in the United States (near 500 acres), just a few farms could have supplied the hemp fiber equivalent of 1999 import levels.

    As a specialty bast fiber, hemp’s closest competing textile fiber is linen. A longer term, high-end size of the potential U.S. market for hemp fiber could be defined as domestic production and acreage required to replace hemp and linen imports. The hemp fiber required to replace the equivalent level of hemp and linen fiber, yarn, and fabric imports in 1999 could have been produced on 250,000 acres—roughly 40 percent of 1999 tobacco acreage, 5 percent of U.S. oat acreage, or 0.4 percent of wheat acreage.

    Despite the similarities between hemp and linen, there is no industry consensus as to how closely the markets for the two fibers are allied. But since hemp fiber imports were just 0.5 percent of linen imports during the first 9 months of 1999, the near-term market
    potential for hemp in the United States for domestic textile production is closer to the low end of the 2,000- to 250,000-acre production-equivalent range. Moreover, the absence of a thriving textile flax (linen) production sector in this country (despite no legal bar- riers) suggests that hemp, flax’s close cousin in fiber uses and in production techniques, will be unable to sustain adequate profit margins for a large production sector to develop.

    Thompson et al. (1998) estimate imports of hemp seed into North America at 1,300 tons. Given yields in Germany of about 1,000 pounds per acre, it would take 2,600 acres to satisfy the demand for hemp seed. As with fiber imports, it would take only a few aver- age-sized farms to meet this demand. Hemp seeds can be used directly as a food ingredient or crushed for oil and meal. Hemp seeds and flour are being used in nutrition bars, tortilla chips, pretzels, beer, salad dress- ings, cheese, and ice cream. The market potential for hemp seed as a food ingredient is unknown. However, it probably will remain a small market, like the mar- kets for sesame and poppy seeds. Some consumers may be willing to pay a higher price for hemp-seed- containing products because of the novelty, but other- wise hemp seed will have to compete on taste and functionality with more common food ingredients.

    Hemp oil is being used as an ingredient in body-care products, such as lotions, moisturizers, and shampoos, and sold in health food stores as a nutritional supple- ment. The market for hemp oil is limited by a number of factors. First, mechanical crushing produces a lower oil yield than crushing combined with solvent extrac- tion. Nor does hemp oil undergo degumming and bleaching as do many other vegetable oils. Some con- sumers prefer an oil that has been processed without chemicals, but others may dislike hemp oil’s color or taste. Second, the oil is high in unsaturated fatty acids, which can easily oxidize, so it is not used for frying, must be kept in dark-colored bottles, and has a limited shelf life. Third, to be used as a salad oil, it will have to be tested by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and found “generally recognized as safe.” Last, as a drying oil, hemp would have to compete on function- ality and price with current raw materials, such as lin- seed and tung oils, in established industrial markets.

    Several States have published reports or authorized agronomic and economic feasibility studies of hemp production. The four reports summarized here have
    Industrial Hemp in the United States USDA • 25
    focused on different aspects of supply and/or demand. Their estimates of hemp costs and returns reflect these various focuses, as well as different assumed produc- tion practices and costs. However, the widest range of estimates exhibited among the reports is for stalk and seed yields and prices—not surprising given the uncer- tainty about hemp production and current and potential hemp markets. Overall, hemp production was prof- itable only at the higher end of estimated yields and prices. It seems questionable that U.S. producers could remain profitable at the low end of the estimated net
    returns, particularly given the thinness of current U.S. hemp markets.

    The market for hemp products might easily be over- supplied, as in Canada where the 35,000 acres of hemp produced in 1999 was seemingly more than the market could handle. The Minneapolis Star Tribune quotes the general manager of Kenex Ltd., Canada’s biggest hemp processor, as saying “It’s given us one hell of a glut of grain and fiber. There’s been a major overestimation of the market that’s out there” (von Sternberg).

    26 • USDA Industrial Hemp in the United States

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