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Monday, August 8, 2016


By: Leah Maurer 
Source: dopemagazine.com

Tech Thursday: Hemp "Graphene": Changing Our Perception Of Modern Technology

Although industrial hemp is only permitted to be grown in a few areas within the United States, this variety of Cannabis sativa never ceases to amaze. Hemp’s many uses from food to paper to modern technologies such as hempcrete are just astounding. The most ground breaking of these though, is hemp “graphene.”
To explain, regular graphene is comprised of a two-dimensional, hexagonal honeycomb lattice layer of tightly packed carbon atoms, and is one of the strongest, lightest and most conductive compounds ever discovered. It is considered one of the best materials for supercapacitor electrodes. The term was also used in early descriptions of carbon nanotubes, and can be considered a type of nanotechnology. Many of graphene’s uses are in the area of energy storage; some uses that are under development include electronics,biological engineeringfiltration and strong, lightweight composite materials.
However, a scientist by the name of Dr. David Mitlin, from Clarkson University in New York, says he’s found a way to manufacture hemp waste into a material that appears to be better than graphene. Dr. Mitlin and his team were able to recycle leftover hemp-based fiber, cook it down and then dissolve it until carbon nanoseheets that resembled the structure of graphene were left behind. They proceeded to build these nanosheets into powerful energy-storing supercapacitors with high energy density, thus creating a hemp based “graphene.” Essentially, Mitlin’s team discovered a process for converting fibrous hemp waste into a unique graphene-like nanomaterial that many say outperforms graphene.
Creating this graphene-like hemp material costs only a fraction of regular graphene production. Graphene costs as much as $2,000 per gram to manufacture, while the hemp-based nanomaterial can be manufactured for less than $500 per ton. To give proper perspective, there are 907,185 grams in one ton.
Hemp professionals and activists in Oregon and elsewhere are thrilled about this new technology and its potential for energy. Ben Christensen, owner of Oregon Hemp Works in Portland, said, “As a renewable energy major and hemp business owner, I find this very exciting. One of the bigger challenges with renewable energy is storage. I often find hemp being left out of the renewable energy conversation, but I feel you can’t really talk about renewable energy or sustainability unless hemp is being talked about as well. It also seems that when hemp is introduced as a replacement, it is just as good as what it’s replacing and even better in a lot of cases.”
Amy Peradotta, hemp activist and chairwoman of the Portland Women Grow chapter, agreed. She expressed, “Using hemp cellulose to replace graphene in supercapacitor batteries will change how we store energy and how we mass produce electronic products from computers and phones to electric cars. Imagine a future where your electric car battery is made with hemp supercapacitor electrodes, the body of the car is made with nontoxic, lightweight hemp cellulose composite materials and the interior door panels and upholstery are made from hemp fiber. Then, we can also use hemp supercapacitors to store renewable energy for our indoor cannabis grow houses made of hempcrete. Pair that with solar panels and you have a sustainably designed, energy efficient cannabis production facility.”
Most people don’t understand the truly diverse value of hemp. Cultures have relied on this hardy plant for centuries to produce textiles such as clothing, fabric and paper. Today, hemp is also used for food, fuel, medicine, building materials and plastics. Now with the energy storage industry starting to take notice, perhaps more government authorities will take a closer look at this plant.
Joy Beckerman, principal at Seattle-based Hemp Ace International and a 20+ year veteran in the industrial hemp movement said, “As activists and entrepreneurs, we simply did not see this coming 25 years ago. No one was sufficiently intellectual back then to predict the unique and exponential power within micro fibrils from hemp bast fiber or hemp’s ability to completely revolutionize the most critical areas of research and development. Graphite whisker and carbon nanotube are highest in stiffness and strength, but they are severely cost-prohibitive. Hemp cellulose nanocrystals are a considerably low cost nanoparticle, which makes them enormously attractive and competitive when one looks at the larger picture including price, availability, toxicity and sustainability.”
To think that the cannabis plant can supplement modern technology so dramatically is incredible. This only reaffirms why we must continue to defend our plant everywhere and push the federal government to deschedule this plant. It is time that hemp be researched, grown and mass produced for its infinite uses and unexplored technological applications.

HempLogic: HEMP "GRAPHENE: By:  Leah Maurer   Source:  dopemagazine.com Although industrial hemp is only permitted to be grown in a few areas within the United S...

Kenaf Plant Timeline Pictures

Kenaf Stem is over 1 inch in Diameter
Kenaf Stem is over 1 inch in Diameter

2 weeks prior to this photo a windstorm blew the Kenaf plants over breaking 2 branches - somehow the leaves have stayed green on the broken stem as not all the branches outer cover was severed
2 weeks prior to this photo a windstorm blew the Kenaf plants over breaking 2 branches - somehow the leaves have stayed green on the broken stem as not all the branches outer cover was severed

Kenaf Plants Towering over a 6 foot tall standard wood fence
Kenaf Plants Towering over a 6 foot tall standard wood fence

2nd batch of invention test kenaf plants growing in garden plot less than 2 weeks old
2nd batch of invention test kenaf plants growing in garden plot less than 2 weeks old

Kenaf Seedlings less than 1 week after seeding.
Kenaf Seedlings less than 1 week after seeding.

close to 1 inch diameter Kenaf Stem
close to 1 inch diameter Kenaf Stem

Kenaf Plant Height to top of planter 92 inches
Kenaf Plant Height to top of planter 92 inches

92 inch kenaf plant height
92 inch kenaf plant height

Windstorm blew over the Kenaf Plants- only 2 branches were broke on 1 of the plants see earlier photo
Windstorm blew over the Kenaf Plants- only 2 branches were broke on 1 of the plants see earlier photo

Kenaf Root System growing out of the planter
Kenaf Root System growing out of the planter

Little Green Thumbs helping with Kenaf plants 6 foot tall wood fence background
Little Green Thumbs helping with Kenaf plants 6 foot tall wood fence background

Kenaf Flower
Kenaf Flower

Not too long ago I planted the Kenaf Plant Seeds for the Hemp Inventions!
Not too long ago I planted the Kenaf Plant Seeds for the Hemp Inventions!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

The founders of western civilisation were prehistoric weed dealers

Founders of Western civilisation were prehistoric dope dealers: The ancient tribes of the Eurasian steppes that helped lay the foundations of Europe might have initiated a cross-continental trade in cannabis

Why HEMP can save humankind: Research scientist speaks out...

Saturday, July 2, 2016

MOhemp Energy Kyoto Hemp Forum Presentation Notes

MOhemp Energy Seeking Missouri Farmers to grow Hemp
MOhemp Energy Kyoto Presentation Notes

Hats off to the everyone who has been working behind the scenes at the 1st Annual Hemp Environmental Forum as well as the Sponsors and Presenters who have been sharing the groundbreaking discoveries, inventions, news, and advancements that the Hemp Industry is experiencing.
Many thanks Nayer and Takashi and the other great minds of the Kyoto Hemp Forum for welcoming and including the discoveries and inventions the MOhemp Energy Team has made.

The "ElectroHemp's" Teams goals: are to save lives and help our immediate community by improving 
the quality of life for those affected by the Nuclear Waste that is illegally buried at ‪#‎WestlakeLandfill‬  
and the ‪#‎ColdwaterCreek‬ areas of the Region.
 The team has figured out how to cycle the toxins from the 
ground faster than has been previously done with a 
Natural System. And then dispose of these toxins which are 
made inert ie: "non hazardous". This process is accomplished 
by using natural and organic resources.

 It’s truly an Honor and personally humbling to be given an opportunity to share and add our teams voice to the 1st Annual International Hemp Forum and how

Hemp is The Lifeline to the Future.

In these troubling times mankind is facing from the effects of Climate Change.  Believe it or not, there are many ways that the cannabis plant will be instrumental in negating the environmental destruction that is wreaking havoc on our Planet.  Hemp is one of the few plants that can be grown all around the world that addresses and nullifies so many problems that threaten mankind's continued existence on this planet.
Kyoto Hemp Forum Advertisement
Because of Hemp’s ability to
  • absorb the toxins in the soil and water by phytoremediation or
  • Hemp’s ability to cycle the CO2 emissions from the air we breathe or
  • all the sustainable products made from Hemp.  

Hemp will be a energy efficient income driver for local communities by
  • creating energy efficient building products
  • such as Hempcrete and
  • Hemp Fiber Insulation as well as a
  • sustainable Biomass Energy Provider champion.  

There is no better time than the present for the World to recognize that Hemp is the Lifeline to the Future.

However you are viewing the First Annual Hemp International Forum rest assured that all of the
"Hemp Industry Pros really do have solutions to correct the wrongs that mankind has brought on this world we live in.  

You have been given a front row seat and are witnessing the early stages of reviving an age old industry that will bring many future advancements to our World, I’m sure you too will realize it’s a no brainer that the great Cannabis plant should be grown and utilized everywhere.

Hemp is the Lifeline to the Future.  If you don’t believe me just keep watching and taking notes and you too will have the ah-hah moment.

Introducing the
"1st International Hemp Environmental Forum 2016 in Kyoto, Japan" 

[Cloud Funding is in effect @ JAPANGIVING for holding this forum]

Also for more information in English - visit (http://kyotohempforum.com).

-HEMP Lifeline to the Future-

We are holding a kick-off event known as "International Hemp Environmental Forum 2016" which is being organized to focus and bring to fruition a solution to the environmental issues facing our beautiful planet, Japan as the starting point.

This upcoming event will be held in the city of Kyoto, Japan, which is globally known as an international environmental city, together with global hemp farmers, hemp industrial companies, enthusiastic hemp evangelists as well as environmental specialists will be assembling to network and bring about a global hemp revolution, starting in Nihon and spreading world wide.

Hemp, the plant bearing the scientific designation Cannabis Sativa, L. is an annual plant that is known as sustainable plant resource, and it's not only utilized as food, clothes, and housing material, but also in various fields like energy production, medicinal purposes and industrial material. More importantly, it is a huge asset as an alternative resource for underground resources like fossil fuel and for forest resources. It is said that amount of carbon dioxide the hemp absorbs during its vegetative stage is 3 to 7 times as deciduous tree. The hemp plant should be a symbol of biomass resources because of its characteristics and possibility of contribution for low carbon society. It is without a doubt that hemp is an ideal plant to make our earth into perpetually circulating society, which is exactly what humans need for the future.

We are here to announce to the world that we are taking a big step towards building our sustainable future and recycling-oriented society by implementing the most of hemp’s value.

Date & time: July, 2, 2016 (Saturday) 10:00~19:00
Place: Kyoto International Conference Center, Conference Room D (Takaragaike, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto city)
Sponsor : NPO Japan Hemp Association (registered)
Official Supporter : Kyoto City

Monday, June 20, 2016

Little Green Thumbs Helping with Kenaf Plants

The whole family is in awe and pleasantly surprised to see how fast the Kenaf plants have grown.  The Kids and I have been watching and monitoring the Kenaf Test Plants since they sprouted in January. The Kids grow almost as fast as the Kenaf 8234 plants.
Little Green Thumb helping with Kenaf Plants
Great Help with the Kenaf Plants from the Little Green Thumbs!

smallest Kenaf plant getting close to 6 ft tall

will he grow into a Future Kenaf and Hemp Farmer

It is a no-brainer to see why Kenaf is a sustainable Biomass Energy Champion.  
Kenaf 8234 Sprouts- Jan 2016
Kenaf 8234 Sprouts- Jan 2016
In the 5 months we have been tending the Plants.  We have watched the Kenaf Plants grow from little sprouts to 6 feet tall plants with a stalk diameter of 1 inch!
Kenaf Test Plants 6 ft Tall June 2016
Kenaf Test Plants 6 ft Tall June 2016

Kenaf 1 inch Stalk Diameter June 2016
Kenaf 1 inch Stalk Diameter June 2016

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