Examples of Equipment Needs
Seed Cleaner............................Slide 32
Seed Huller searching for mobile unit that is Made in America
Seed Oil Press...........................Slide 33
Biodiesel Equipment..................Slide 37
Hemp Fiber Processor...............Slide 28-30
Mobile Biomass Pellet Machine..Slide 31
Mobile Biodiesel Production........Slide 37
Some of this information is and will be proprietary, I'm currently in discussion with American Companies who manufacture equipment that can be modified to work with Hemp.
8 End products from produced by the mobile hemp processing equipment: Hemp Seeds, Hemp Hearts, Hemp Seed Cake (livestock feed), Hemp Fibers, Hemp Hurds, Hemp Shives, Hemp Oil, and Biodiesel
This equipment information and pricing will post at a later date as I search and find more made in America machines. You can find hundreds of machines at alibaba. I am not comfortable buying thousands of dollars in equipment from Alibaba to be perfectly honest. I've heard of too many horror stories from businesses and people who have had bad experiences buying equipment from alibaba.
Fiber production produces 4 end product avenues: Fiber, Shiv, Hurd, and Bast. The machine I have in mind is a perfect match for upto 3000 acres.
Mobile Seed Production produces: Hemp Hearts, Hemp Seeds, Hemp Oil, Biodiesel, Hemp Seed Cake
Here are photos of end product examples from the MOhemp Mobile Hemp Processing Machines
Hemp Oil
Biomass Pellets